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A friendly reminder about Common Carp

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#21 artimus001



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 04:28 PM

i'm not sure if carp are invasive or not. I have tried targeting them once. found out i'm not one with patience sitting my ass waiting for my line to tighten. not my thing. all i can say is invasive fish i catch goes straight to my friends (seagulls, coons or the bin).

that is what i call 'bait and beer" fishing. i sight fish for them with a fly rod. far more fun.

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#22 hammercarp



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 06:46 PM

You can also fish carp more actively. The Brits call it stalking. Just take the essentials with you and walk the bank looking for  feeding carp. Sometimes you can see them and other times you can spot where they are feeding . Carp are not shy about shallow water or even feeding right next to the bank if they are undisturbed. So walk softly and cautiously. Sometime just pausing and remaining still for 5 minutes will result in them showing themselves. 

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#23 flowerjohn



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 08:37 PM

There are three things that you should not glean from the Brits. Cooking fishing and dentistry. Quite!
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