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Steelhead and Salmon Fishing

Steelhead and Salmon forum rules
  • Naming Rivers: The naming of any specific river or tributary is not permitted in the publicly viewable general discussion forum. Instead, please refer to the river by the general area it is located, ie “East Trib”, “West Trib”, “GB (Georgian Bay) Trib”, etc. For example, you are not allowed to say "I had a great day fishing yesterday on Wilmot Creek", instead, we encourage members to say "I had a great day fishing yesterday on an East Trib". The former statement should be relegated to the reports sections (coming soon), away from public view.
  • Lining Debate: "Lining", "snagging" or "flossing" fish is a hot-button topic that often ruins otherwise productive conversations. In order to keep the general discussion forum clean, helpful and productive, it is the policy of OFF that any and all "lining" conversation/debate be conducted in the "Salmonid Insanity" sub-forum.
  • Forum Etiquette: Simple - Be polite, keep it civil. All personal attacks, insults, inflammatory remarks, threats, racist remarks, trolling and otherwise rude and/or immature behaviour are strictly forbidden and will be met with disciplinary action up to and including permanent banning.


Open Season Maps

Having trouble interpreting the OMNR regulations? Here are some maps that visually outline the open seasons on Ontario rivers and tributaries in accordance with OMNR fishing regulations.

  • 4 topics
  • 69 replies
Beaver River, Thornbury - last post by Beman9010

Salmonid Insanity

Every year, something strange happens when salmon and trout season comes around. Anglers get agitated by the prospect of fishing shoulder to shoulder, and the horrific idea that there are simply not enough fish of the salmonid species to go around creeps into the psyche. Primitive competitive instincts take over... I call it Salmonid Insanity!

If it causes a controversy, it belongs here.

  • 79 topics
  • 1,522 replies
Got  my limit.  Only takes... - last post by Bowie

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