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VIP section

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#21 efka



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Posted 29 November 2011 - 03:51 PM

I personally liked the previous "reports" section , UNTIL I saw how a good fishing spot can be ruined in a few weeks (in any aspect: fishing, cleanliness, etc) after I took someone there and then he took his friends, and so on. So in general I disagree with posting specific locations on internet. How did people fish before the WEB age?

In addition to that, exploration, discovery, and anticipation are all part of a good fishing day. Can you compare the joy of taking a fish out of a hole you discovered on your own and afte hours of search with just going to somewhere you found on the web?

Lastly, and more importantly,
I was speaking with a friend about this and he mentioned that in a forum in the US, someone took the whole "VIP" or "Restricted access" posts and published that in a blog, revealing everything that was ever posted in that section. I know it might not happen, but it very well may! How do you ensure that one of the banned members would not do that?

For these reasons, I am going to pass on this

if you would like to disclose the exact location it's up to you, but there is nothing wrong just saying that you had a good day at simcoe, credit or rice lake and the technique or baits that worked that day.
yes the small bodies of water will definitely be at risk, but again it's up to a person to disclose where he was fishing, he could just state that he had a fantastic day at one of gta ponds, this is what worked, and here are the pictures.
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#22 Mykester



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Posted 29 November 2011 - 04:24 PM

some members would be grandfathered the access, as long they posted proper reports or reached whatever number of posts, sounds fair?

Sounds good. Are all the old reports still there?
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#23 ChaseChrome



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:06 AM

Whats wrong with that? You dont like seeing pictures of fish??

I dig fish porn!!!
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#24 NADO


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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:14 AM

This section might actually work. Anyone who complains about reporting on specific rivers wouldnt be granted access because in order to get into the section they would have to go against everything they preach about. Cant bitch about someone disclosing a river location when the user had to disclose a river location to get into that section of the forum in the first place. :lol:
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#25 ChaseChrome



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Posted 06 January 2012 - 05:39 PM

I appreciate efka's effort to ensure a level of security when it comes to this forum, whether this is the way to do it I'm not so sure (it's a beginning). Buy I think some of us would dearly appreciate some degree of security when it comes to discussing locations and reports rather than just PMs. I have had some truly productive and generous exchanges in this forum thus far--THANKS
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#26 Alfiegee


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Posted 08 January 2012 - 02:45 PM

This is an interesting idea, but once again I would be left behind by the age of technology. I use those disposable cameras that you buy at the drug store. And even if I were to buy a digital camera and video camera I'm sure I would go through hell trying to post pics or vids. I received a webcam last year for Christmas and after a couple months gave up on trying to get it to work :unsure: Now it is a dust collector :-D.

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#27 Porter86



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Posted 26 March 2012 - 01:57 PM

I like the idea Efka! Maybe their could be other ways of limiting it as well. Maybe by time on forums, number of posts like it use to be, and then by the area you live in. like say, be on the forums for 6 months-1 year, and have a minimum of 200 posts? I know personally since i was able to start coming on on a regular basis again, i think I am up to almost 150 posts in a month, month n a week or 2. So the 200 posts for someone who is active enough with in that time frame, is a pretty reasonable amount i think. But you have to reach both criteria, just cant be 200 posts, or 6 months or a year.

And then limit what VIP sections you get to see by submitting a report for either A) that same body of water i.e Grand River, Bronte, 16 Mile, The Don, or B) that general are i.e. Halton, Toronto, Peel, Hamilton, K-W.

Just my 2 cents, I think that is something that could work Efka, and make everyones concerns about bodys of water covered. But also included that video in it as well. Adds a lil personal touch more, which I like.

Alfiee, when we meet up next i could always take the video for yeah and upload it as well so you have it. lol.
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#28 stdavidsboy


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Posted 26 March 2012 - 04:53 PM


I'll offer up my humble opinion - ignore at will:

I'm relatively new to the forum and have done more PM-ing than posting, relying on general advice from the more generous users. Eventually when I get more experience locally that balance will change. So far everyone has been really fantastic and all have been truly helpful - I've already been invited to go chase fish locally which is far more than I would have expected. Now if only my employment situation would change :)

Though I think there's value in protecting limited resources, I think it would be unfortunate to see all many of the top forum users go principally to a VIP section - from the perspective that very few things require top-secret restricted access (if its that good, don't share it or call your buddy and take him there), and also that when I look at the nature of comments across the forum, those same members really do a great job of shaping the values of the online and on-the-water community. There would be a lot of good general information on improving angling skills that would be lost to a VIP forum since a probable consequence of VIP restrictions would be reduced general postings from the pros, given limited keyboard minutes to write in the forum per day.

Whether you share info in a PM or in a VIP forum, the chance is still there that it can be ruined by a few careless people. Either way its a calculated risk in giving out any information. Moreover, an increase in foot traffic may not necessarily jeopardize the fishing because timing and technique go along way. I've been on both sides of the situation in which one angler is pulling fish regularly while the fellow to his right watches and doesn't produce at all (I can't speak to small tribs because I've not fished them, which may be the case).

My concern is that long-term a VIP shift might significantly dilute the quality of the information and the spirit on this forum, and eventually become heavily 2-tiered. I think that's bad for the fishing scene, and in the short-term bad for guys like me who are serious about angling, grateful for and respectful of the information that's shared by the experienced forum goers, and don't have the time to get out to make a video and the details gleaned from time on the water to provide detailed reports. I guess that's the penalty imposed for not getting out more often! I'm chuckling while imaginging my video as something like this "... Jim told me... and chromeguy told me.... and John told me.... and floatdrifter told me....)

On the flip side, it's easy for me to request that everyone else is generous with their information as the new guy on the scene.

When did fishing get this complicated? :D Rather, when did I get this 'simple?' :blink:

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