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#141 Mr. Bassturd

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 02:13 PM

nooo remyy keep this convo going it'll boost your thread count or whatever it is called.lol no need to thank me. :razz:

I can't believe it took me 7 pages to figure that one out .

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#142 Mr. Bassturd

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 02:14 PM

its a trick don't fall for it

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#143 eric



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 02:22 PM

Instead of asking the boreds to change what about adopting the idea as a seperate entity. You dont nessesarliy want or need the OFF name.


Start a "fly only" club and go from there. Maybe a little something to OFF or the owner to cross advertise the fly club?


If you are that passionate, why wait around and just do for yourself/fly community?



one can always created a seperate membership club for fisherpeople.   then have the club just sponsor the forum.   :D  

ive seen plenty of forums where sponsors get their on subforums and they moderate it themselves.

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#144 Knuguy


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 02:58 PM

Have a look at how this forum is set up with member and non-member forums.



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#145 WasagaWader



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 03:39 PM

I vote to use madriverfishers domain madriverflyshop.ca

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#146 Brian



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 05:40 PM


I can't believe I just read through this...

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#147 riverhugger



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 05:42 PM

Remy just make a private FB group and invite people from here who you think are serious... problem solved.

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#148 Majstor


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 05:48 PM

And make that group fly fishing only
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#149 alwayscatching


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 06:22 PM

If you make a facebook group let me know. Be more than happy to join and help out Remy.

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#150 openfire



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 06:55 PM

Rest assured, we are reading all of the suggestions made here.


Based on this thread, the mods and admins are currently discussing ways to improve OFF, and any and all suggestions are welcome, as always.

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#151 SmackUm



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 07:09 PM

I see nothing wrong with this site personally... With the exception of maybe the addition of a Members Only Thread such as is in use @ TBF(Thunder Bay Fishing Forums)  http://www.thunderbayfishing.com/

Not that this keeps your spot a secret use the PM function if you wish to share & hopefully your friend will keep it a secret!

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#152 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:37 PM

was also doing some thinking today in my sleep deprived 11 hour work day....if its BBQ's you want, put out the invite, those who want to attend front up say $10-$15 via a secured pay pal account, and who ever is organizing the event has access to the funds to purchase burgers or whatever buns, salads, chips and drinks.


As a for a list of improvements, here goes


1) A private area with a post count limit that members in good standing with the community have access to


2) a larger limit to PM's, lets face it, a 5 person limit is kind of a pain when planing big group events


3) Donation Button for those that want to help with site costs when they can afford to do so


4) An opt in lottery, purchase raffle tickets for a piece of gear, or hand tied flies by one our experts ie Chase, madriver Chris K, if i forgot your name sorry, tickets can be something like 3 for $5, once the value of the item is reached a date is set for the draw, if the value is not reached the draw is cancelled, and people 1: get a refund, or 2: their ticket purchase goes towards the next raffle, 3 people buy 6 tickets each, thats $30, not too hard to reach the value of 20 flies or or say a $100 reel or rod 


5) maybe a calendar to add events to instead of trying to track down the post or pm


anything else feel free to add in, just my thoughts here

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#153 Kit


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:47 PM

I have sent Pwadm a long message in PM a week ago regarding a ton of things we should do with OFF. And the money (MOST) would obviously go back to the site for fees and etc. It's not free to run OFF actually costs quite a bit to keep this up and running if your not familiar with forums and how they work.

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#154 Kleiner



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Posted 26 September 2013 - 07:58 PM

for those on a budget, like my self, i would most definitely NOT subscribe to a payed forum, all it would do is create more controversy and drama....oh you want to come to this event?....yea....oh, i see you aren't a payed member, you can;t come.....thats a bunch of BS that we don't need.  the coding should be easy enough, bring back the reports section, have a minimum post count of say 250-300 to unlock this feature,...by setting the post count that high, it allows the person to become involved with the community, and for the community as a whole to be involved with that person

great idea, this makes a lot of sense. It ensures the member is contributing

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 10:11 PM

IMO you will just create division among the members, Those why pay/d, those who didn't. To some of us, 5, 10, 50$ isn't anything, To others it's a bag of milk, gas, etc. There is really no need for it. I think there just needs to be a lil more motivation for new members to become active. Make some of the forums private. Minimum post count to view certain sections. As low as 15 post just to get new members active with chat. Given they don't spam the welcome thread and get 15 posts in 5 minutes etc. then never post again. Ive come to the board a few times and not noticed I wasn't logged in and was able to browse a ton of stuff as a guest. Guest shouldn't be able to see anything IMO. Cept maybe the new members section. Delete inactive members, 0 posts yet log in actively. ive been a member since 2007, only 150ish? post so far, Im not overly active but I work my life away for the most part and get involed when I can. I keep to PMs with a few members for locations, gathering etc. Tryin to be more active.!!!


Just signed out and can view any forum/thread I want. That needs to change.


682 users are online (in the past 120 minutes)

51 members, 627 guests, 4 anonymous users  


All those guest freely browse anything they want.


As someone else said. If its raffles, giveaways, prizes etc people want. Create that button off to the side. If people wanna participate and spend their money on raffles, prize drawing etc then they will click and participate, If they don't they don't. If it's a money issue to keep the forum up and running add a donate button. Im sure people will help out if they can. If there ends up being a membership subscription I would think those who don't want to pay or simply can't afford to would feel left out, or perhaps seen as an outsider. 


 No need to have a "paid members" area. Eerythign suggested can be done in more "private" areas of the forum for active participants.


Just my 2.5 cents

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#156 guest


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Posted 26 September 2013 - 11:16 PM

this is deader than elvis...

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#157 Bow Man

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 12:24 AM

this is deader than elvis...

What ???, When the hell did Elvis die.

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#158 Kit


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 11:12 AM

This is being designed and made out as we speak.. Just FYI. Should be out very soon!

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Posted 12 October 2013 - 10:11 PM


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#160 w_ boughner

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Posted 13 October 2013 - 10:27 AM

That is why we are having this discussion... if enough people are willing to go ahead with this then we are talking about $200 monthly prize packs, plus the BBQ's.

That's great but I would hard pressed to drive to Toronto just to claim a prize and have a burger and you would have to have more than one prize if your going to have 100 people pay and drive from the from all over Ontario to one location for one 200$ prize to be drawn your going to have a lot of people drop out after a couple months I know I wouldn't pay to be a member when I'm happy with what's available here now and save the drive to the raffle
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