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#21 troutddicted


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 08:45 PM

I don't think we're looking to open up a new forum just to share delicate information - I would think rules apply but people would be a little more open as to what they share, for instance an informative post could contain a detailed canoe route somewhere up north, not something the average person would share on an open forum.  People aren't posting because of all the lurkers - people are afraid of showing pictures of their boat because randoms can view the photos.


The money from the membership could be used to have monthly raffles to win stuff - an entry level fly rod or some kickass headlamp, guided steelhead fishing trips, you'd have a couple "tickets" you can throw in a raffle and hope to win stuff.  Again, these are all just ideas. Maybe we can get patches? And start a ranking system, go to Church, ok, ok... we wont become OFF M.C. but I'm sure there are some ideas that can be thrown around to get something going...


This wouldn't be designed to alienate people and create an OFFuminatti, look at it as sort of an extended warranty program - you shell out money to be better taken care.  Some will go for it, others don't care.  OFF and its normal business with G2G's and such will still go on, nothing would change here, business as usual. 


remy brought up a solid point, most people that would pay are people who care, typically the goodies.


I know there are flaws with some of the stuff I have written so go easy on me as these are just some ideas to get everyone thinking together.

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#22 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:00 PM

if all you're looking to do is get rid of the lurkers, make the board private, an have a post limit, if you're looking to generate revenue to support the site fees, have a donation option.  if you go to a payed membership, then you're also talking about having to have someone claim the membership fees as part of their income tax

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#23 GuitarBuildingAngler



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:00 PM

for those on a budget, like my self, i would most definitely NOT subscribe to a payed forum, all it would do is create more controversy and drama....oh you want to come to this event?....yea....oh, i see you aren't a payed member, you can;t come.....thats a bunch of BS that we don't need.  the coding should be easy enough, bring back the reports section, have a minimum post count of say 250-300 to unlock this feature,...by setting the post count that high, it allows the person to become involved with the community, and for the community as a whole to be involved with that person

I agree with Jmatt
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#24 buck



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:05 PM

if all you're looking to do is get rid of the lurkers, make the board private, an have a post limit, if you're looking to generate revenue to support the site fees, have a donation option.  if you go to a payed membership, then you're also talking about having to have someone claim the membership fees as part of their income tax



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#25 Bow Man

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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:07 PM

I am curious to know why the people who want a paid membership, don't join one of the many pay to use fishing sites that are already out there? I know there are several out there that are relevant, to Ontario fishing.

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#26 guest


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:08 PM

the prizes and events and general funding is wwhats good--you gotta pay to play as they say--how many times have those that use facebook said they are leaving after major changes--everyone stayed man-this place is a big part of our lives good or bad--that said we spend money on a lot more "not needed " items IMO--inagone have a weekly draw most posts most views --mot thanks etc...we aretalking about 5-10 dolllars its so minimal. one trip to mcdonallds and your in...show up at a private golf club and try and play--they say no members only...OFF is unique.

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#27 ChaseChrome



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:10 PM

As I said...I will leave it to due process and greater erudition.

As a side note...many here comment about lurkers...it should be noted that one can be a member on OFF (and in fact have submitted comments...otherwise known as "posts") and still behave as a lurker. Sorry to say there are such members here.

It's a sharp cleaver (hey JMatt) that's needed to make these most subtle distinctions....

another 2 cents
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#28 guest


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:10 PM

bow man--same reason why no one will leave here--its a fantastic forum...better than the rest...

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#29 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:12 PM

you WILL lose more people than you think no matter how minimal, i will be one of those that leave if it goes to a pay membership, theres a thousand other forums out there

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#30 Bow Man

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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:14 PM

bow man--same reason why no one will leave here--its a fantastic forum...better than the rest...

I agree with you this site is great, I would just hate to see it get divided. Or lose some great people because of this.


But I am really enjoying the suggestions and thoughts behind the idea.

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#31 guest


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:16 PM

come in for a test period like some sites have--and yes almost every forum based site has a pay section for VIP or what have you--not just porn lol--however even porn. lol

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#32 guest


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:18 PM

I believe human nature is to fight change--but you will see that retention will be extremely high--people will go a few days and start twitching--we can say no all we want but 99% will come back...or stay for that matter-people don't deal well with change...but they always come around

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#33 ChasinTails


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:21 PM

On a site called Xda theres a limit as to what any new person Can do, veiw or say untill they make 10 helpful posts
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#34 guest


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:22 PM

not to mention maybe a bit of money can go to the mods

1-it will make them stay on top of things more than already, motivate them to guard the pool

2-they do this out of love for fishing, last time I checked love doesn't pay the bills

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#35 ChaseChrome



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:22 PM

change...to what...for what?
I don't think that mods (justice principle) should be exempt from paying their own way...however, if that were to be the case, as I think it should be, I would be with JMatt....OUT...js
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#36 troutddicted


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:23 PM

We're not talking about making the entire site paid membership, JMatt - the idea is that people who would be willing to pay would have access to different perks associated with the club.

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#37 Majstor


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:24 PM

im not payin to be a member just make it more private. if u want to be member you shoud have to register to use the site. example there are 42 members and 1195 guests on right now.

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#38 guest


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:25 PM

PWADM does a lot of stuff in here, ask any IT or web guy-he doesn't do it for his health...passion yes but imagine toe motivation of a bit of coin--all of a sudden we have the most state of the art site wwith everything but a backrub

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#39 guest


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:27 PM

JMATT with full respect to you--your name gets drawn one month for a free spey line or 100 flies as that months winner and you , just like anyone else will have your weiner dipped in gold you would be so happy hahaha you know it lolol

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#40 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 09:29 PM

We're not talking about making the entire site paid membership, JMatt - the idea is that people who would be willing to pay would have access to different perks associated with the club.



thereby making the people who do pay feel like their in an upper class, and thus segregating the forum

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