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Why do chinook salmon need to die after spawning?

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#1 tokaalmighty



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Posted 13 October 2020 - 11:38 AM

I started fishing this year and it has been fun, lately I've been to bowmanville area and had my luck with the chinooks. Now I'm curious about why these fish need to die after just one spawning run? I read that they stopped eating when they begin their journey from the ocean, why? And if they didn't happen to die on the journey, and after spawning they didn't have energy to make a return trip to ocean so they would still die, but I read that chinooks spend their first year of life in fresh water, so they do have the ability to survive in fresh water, why do they need to return immediately? It just makes no sense why they have to necessarily die, what if after spawning they still have substantial livelihood remaining, do they just wait for their death? Please someone explain this to me. 

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