Angling Day 2 - The Big Blackfoot (yes, the river from A RIver Runs Through It):
On our way home on Day 1, Joe made a quick stop at the Blackfoot to check out its conditions. Around this time, there are very small windows to chase big fish in high water, and Joe felt that the Blackfoot was at a perfect place. This is an excellent example as to why you should consider hiring a guide for a few days in a new location. With Joe's 20+ years experience angling these waters, he made the perfect call, and we were in for an absolutely epic day.
To start with, however, we made a quick pit-stop at one of the local Missoula fly shops.
Our vessel for day 2:
With these river conditions, we were using what the guides called a "Slop Rig" (just named for how sloppy it can be to cast). We were rocking a 7 wt today, and running a streamer as the anchor fly, followed by a squirmy worm. At the second hole we pulled up to, I managed to convince 3 nice rainbows to come out and play:
Leaving that run on a high, I wasn't sure how much better the day was going to get. After a few drifts in the following hole, we were about to pull up and head to the next run, when I set the hook on this beautiful 23" brownie:
I couldn't believe how well the day was going! After releasing this beauty, and getting over the post-release high, we moved to the next run. Two drifts in, my indicator drops, and I feel a HEAVY fish on the other end of the line. He hugged bottom for a long time, moving where ever he desired. Finally, he got pissed off enough to head into the heavy current, and the chase downstream was on. After a 5-10 minute battle, we pulled my very first bull trout into the net (~31").
I was on cloud 9 - I had been dreaming about this fish for years, and I was in awe as I watched him slowly swim back to the depths out of our net.
We anchored the boat after this fish and had some lunch. Unfortunately, after lunch, the river spiked from 5250 CFS to 5900 CFS, and the fishing shut off. Nevertheless, the float out had some beautiful scenery to enjoy: