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Member Since 26 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2020 03:10 PM

Topics I've Started

Looking to get into river float fishing - Complete NOOB

03 October 2016 - 12:27 PM

Hey there guys,


I am very interested in Salmon/steelhead float fishing in the river. After seeing the circus show at a local trib, I opted to leave the salmon alone for now haha.





Now, the thing is, I am a complete noob at river fishing and I am wondering what things I need equipment wise for a beginner. 


I read that centerpin reels are best for river fishing due to free flowing spool, Is it possible to use a bait casting reel instead? What about spinning reels?



What other equipment may I need for steelheading? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Seasonal Crappie Patterns

21 May 2016 - 07:45 PM

Hi there guys,


I am not interested in fishing spots as there are millions of them readily available.


I am just unsure as to what crappie are doing right now at this time of year. My understanding is that they move up shallow to spawn when the weather gets warmer but what are some ways to gauge if they are in pre-, mid, or post-spawn without being on the water and testing the bite?


Would the current month be a good rule of thumb?


I'm sure a lot of you guys on this board are crappie slayers so any information is appreciated!

Questions about zones

14 April 2016 - 10:25 PM

I am just wondering, about the different zone. Everything is pretty much self explanatory for me but I am a little confused about ports such as port dover, port maitland and port colborne.


If we fish on the piers at these ports, would it be considered zone 19 or zone 16?

What if we did not fish on the ports? I am think that we would be zone 16 but not quite sure.


Would be great if someone could clarify!


Thanks in advance.