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Member Since 02 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2018 05:21 PM

#333170 Checking in!

Posted by grayer on 04 May 2016 - 09:39 PM

Hey guys, It's been a while. Thought I'd post some updates from my first couple outings of the year. Been on the fly for about 2.5 years and loving it! Really starting to understand how to use many different techniques and its been very rewarding. Still having some issues in tight spots, but thats where the fun is I guess, lol. Here are some pictures from the last couple days, I've mostly been using dry flies over the past couple years and its by far my favourite way to get into trout. Not a big fan of using nymphs as it has never been productive for me, maybe I'm just not doing it right. Definitely room for improvement!  


Hope to see some of you guys out there!


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#307016 Small Creek BROWNS

Posted by grayer on 06 May 2014 - 08:23 PM

Inspired by Kits small creek brookies I decided to get out to one of my favourite secret small creeks and find some browns after work. Now these fish are one of my favourites to catch. Especially on my 4' 6" trout rod, I could literally spend all day out there. Being out there in the bush, seeing deer tracks, birds chirping everywhere, the sound of just the water running through the broken down trees.....I don't think it gets much better. 


I took a few photos of the spot, and managed to get about 4 nice size browns. Finally we had some nice weather to get out and enjoy arguably my favourite kind of fishing. Something about not being able to stand straight up in the bush because its so compact, and slowly creeping up on that perfect hole you know those spooky little fish are sitting just waiting for something to pass by. They might not be the biggest, but little guys just do it for me! Anyways, hope you enjoy the photos! 




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#294456 Need some input on a rod purchase.

Posted by grayer on 14 November 2013 - 03:01 PM

Its funny because I don't eat at a cafeteria and I actually live in an appartment on my own putting myself through university. Nobody is making excuses here man, trust me I know how to set goals for myself. You must be a pretty brutal "personal trainer" if you can't take a joke and then and put someone down telling me I'm making excuses lol, blows my mind. Thats why this forum is just a mess, I can't make one simple post making a joke without someone responding being an idiot

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#287932 Nothing Like Some Fall Smallies!

Posted by grayer on 27 September 2013 - 03:03 PM

Finally got some time to hit the river by my new place this afternoon and had some luck in some very cold and high water! Tossed a mepps through some rock beds and SMACK. Couple nice size smallies! Quite the fight to wake me up! Enjoy,


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