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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2015 12:39 AM

Topics I've Started

18-20 foot boat (FULL WS) reccomendations?

15 July 2013 - 09:23 AM

Hey fellow anglers and anglettes! Got a quick question for ya guys. I just recently bought a 12 foot boat (which is great for this year) But I will be upgrading this winter or spring of next year. I will be moving out Just east of Toronto and plan to do plently Lake Ontario Salmon fishing and Lake Erie Walleye fishing therefore I would need something that will handle waves with ease. I have been checking out The Tracker v-18 WT as it has a very wide beam 102" and plenty room for downriggers,rod holders etc... If anyone could give me any reviews/reccomendations it would be very much appreaciated. Not looking to spend anything over 30k. Thanks!



Lake simcoe quickstrike rigs (tip-ups)

15 July 2013 - 09:11 AM

Hey guys. I am moving in the Durham region (east of Toronto) sometime before winter and will probably be doing some of my ice-fishing this winter at Lake Simcoe. Have any of you Lake Simcoe anglers had any luck with quickstrike rigging for Lake trout and pike? If not what do ya guys reccommend? (Besides jigs). Thanks!

