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Member Since 05 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active May 11 2016 12:41 AM

Topics I've Started

Walkabout in Ancaster and Dundas area. (Cootes Paradise)

11 March 2016 - 01:25 AM

I was out this morning walking around after my nightshift. I spotted this area at King and Olympic in Dundas. It leads into the west pond of Cootes Paradise. I saw a pretty big fish surface but wasn't sure what type it would be. Has anyone ever fished around here? What's in there? b98da1def05a3016232f32a1e2b46036.jpg60bf65e7d16e529657f305210fabc87a.jpg

Also I remember seeing a story last year about them releasing 1000 pike into Cootes Paradise. Anyone ever fish in there? I walk in there all the time entering off York near the arboretum and walking along the water. Can you fish in there of is the RBG private property?


Shimano Bait Runner

10 March 2016 - 05:31 AM

I want to get a better reel. I have been using an ugly stick rod and reel combo. It has served me well but I recently had a chance to use a more expensive reel lent to me by a friend and it was much better. I usually fish for bass and pike from shore but may want to try some carp fishing this summer. I've been looking at the Shimano Bait Runner online. If I was only buying one reel would this be a good all round reel for various species? Any recommendations on size? I like the bait runner feature .... at least the sound of it. I haven't actually fished with this reel.


Any thought would be appreciated.



