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Member Since 14 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active May 31 2023 12:47 PM

#344621 Fascinated with these new game warden TV shows

Posted by TI Redux on 04 April 2019 - 05:35 PM

Not just so called fisherman guilty.
Anything in the wild violated daily.
Out of season , out of slot, on private property , native netting during spawn.
TV hosts like Henry and Italo with so called instruction license, allowed to fish out of season. Snagging fish and rehooking for camera footage.
So called fishing restoration clubs collecting cash in lieu of stocking known successful species.
Bring back the Atlantic schemes.
Money rules all.
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#339044 Roe Boycott

Posted by trouttamer on 12 March 2017 - 05:59 AM

Was keeping quiet but wanna chime in now. Tossing I really could care less on your opinion as your an idiot, everyone has theyre own ethics. You ask the guy to back up up his comments so he does and you call him an idiot. Just because someone doesn't support your beliefs doesn't deem this. youre the same guy that doesn't believe in fluorocarbon, uses 6lb main for salmon and tires fresh steel to death. you claim floatfisherman use heavy yellow braid along with many other laughable comments and stands you take. a conversation only goes one way with you , youre way, you don't consider other point of views.

I also have 40yrs on the river but I don't claim to be a know it all, I am always learning if others want to do differently then me, go ahead. I contribute to stream rehabilition with craa and Ontario steelheaders and I use roe when needed, any half decent steelheader knows this. Moron

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