Catfish Everdeen
Member Since 01 Apr 2015Offline Last Active Mar 21 2021 03:22 PM
About Me
Hi there,
I am a Student at York University for Film Production. I have heavily gotten into fishing around five years ago and I am trying to learn about as much as I can for catching fish. I pursue fish of all species and consider anything that can legally be on my line a game fish, as long as I'm outdoors with a rod, I'm having a good time. Right now, I'm trying to increase my base of knowledge about fishing to become a better fisherman and more involved in the angling community.
Catfish Everdeen
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 32
- Profile Views 6,411
- Member Title Shiner Minnow
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday February 8, 1993
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