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Crankin Fishies

Member Since 08 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2018 10:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Choosing a new CP

25 November 2016 - 04:40 PM


I am currently in the market for a new centerpin. I would like to keep the cost on the low side for as far as centerpins go. I have found that fishheads has a few nice combos. 



They are all very similar in price except the r- type is on sale. Would I be right to buy the r- type as its over a $400 combo normally vs the raven ones at 370.. And i have tried to look into this on the web with no real luck, but whats the difference between the matrix and helix reel? (Other then size)


Thanks for any help

Steelhead Time?

24 October 2016 - 08:58 PM

Hey, I did some looking around the web and found that it looks like steelhead should start to come up the rivers by mid-October. I have been on an east Trib almost everyday for the past week and a half and have yet to see a single steelhead. When can I expect to see some? Lots of Chinook spawning but no steelhead :( 

Fish Identification

13 October 2016 - 08:22 PM

Hey, I am new to the whole river fishing thing for salmon and what not and had a question about my catch. I went out this evening and managed to finally hook into 3 fish of some sort. If i could get some help on identifying these fish that would be great. I tried looking around on the net and I think they might be brown trout or a type of salmon?? but idk.

Thanks for any help


And sorry if the pics are bad, was trying to get the fish back in the water as quick as I could