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Member Since 27 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active May 29 2021 07:51 AM

#345371 Incredible pike strike captured on drone!

Posted by Chubz on 29 May 2021 - 07:51 AM

Hey Guys! 


My buddy and I had a really amazing pike opener this year. I was lucky enough to capture one of the bigger fish chasing down a lure and inhale it on my drone!


Been a tough year in general for pike, been seeing tons of giants in the shallows but have been having a tough time getting them to show interest in my lures. Seems that there are "bite windows" every day and outside of them, the fish shut down. 


If anyones interested in watching it you can watch the action on my youtube channel ---> https://youtu.be/hKSMtzaxSuM



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