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Member Since 25 Nov 2019
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2019 09:40 PM

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In Topic: Markham Pond Maps

28 November 2019 - 09:33 PM

Anyone knows the rules in the Faitree pond? I'm planning to fish there but i'm still a newbie. I've been to Too good and Milne this summer and cough absolutely nothing.

In Topic: Markham Pond Maps

28 November 2019 - 09:30 PM

i was at milne yesterday. on the princess rd..side..by the dam. no luck..not a bite...im really starting to wonder where the fish are at.. Toogood pond i havent had luck so far..i see fish there.but seem like carp n catfish. i was wondering the same thing...^...wonder how the big bass are there.

I Fished in the swampy area east of milny looking in the google maps. I've gotten a glimpse of either carp or catfish taking air.  

In Topic: Fishing at Milne

25 November 2019 - 08:32 PM

For carp you should use corn it’s a great little cheap bait that you can get at your local grocery store. As for catfish you should use cut bait or pack bait.

You sound like an expert!

Wanna go fishing there with me?

I'm still a newbie thou