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Grand Anglers

Member Since 17 May 2020
Offline Last Active Feb 23 2021 01:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Alder Lake Pike??

24 May 2020 - 02:25 PM

Ive heard alder lake in New Dundee has pike from a local... said it was a few years back though. I know a huge carp die off happened (did not affect the bass,sunfish, etc, "apparently") so that shouldnt affect pike if they are in there..? does anybody have confirmation there are?

Pike Fishing Kitchener

18 May 2020 - 12:11 AM

I am 14 and looking for a good pike spot in Kitchener or the area within 1 hour drive. Any size pikes are good. Ive been in the area for almost 3 years and I dont have a steady pike spot yet other then lakes that are heavily pressured and only produce fish once in a blue moon. Oh and dont forget all the poachers ruining my spots!! I am a catch and release angler looking to catch a new PB pike and I never keep fish to eat unless its a nice smallmouth up north. Any info is helpful!!! I also wouldnt mind if you would be willing to share walleye spots too as my PB is an 18 inch walleye. :razz: